One-size-fits-all reporting simply doesn’t work for everyone. Some businesses require web-based reporting to a mobile device, others need the more traditional printed format. Some want graphical reports, others want tables.
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Your operation’s goals, challenges, offerings and processes are just too unique and complex to derive any value from the majority of the available off-the-shelf business intelligence tools. Indeed, you may even need more than one tool.
At Leverage, we’ve worked with 160 businesses just like yours. Some used SAP Business One, some used Sage Enterprise Management, but all had very specific needs that none of the off-the-shelf products could meet. As a result, we’ve developed a suite of reporting templates and pre-defined reports using a multitude of different tools, including SSRS, Sage Enterprise Reporting, SAP Crystal Server, pivot tables and SQL Queries.
Some questions for starters…
Do you need:
- Printed or on-line reporting? Or both?
- Analytical reporting or static, one-dimensional reporting?
- To distribute reports to other team members?
- Budget reporting?
- Graphical or table format reports?
- Reporting from multiple data sources?
- User-specific analytics on reporting?
- Financial or operational reporting? Or both?
We ask all of these questions, and many more. And once we have an intimate understanding of your reporting requirements, we design and implement a solution – or a number of solutions – to meet those needs and your budget.
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