Author Archives: Brett Mundell

About Brett Mundell

Brett has more than 20 years of business software sales and company management experience. Brett has been involved in more than 300 ERP projects. His passion is customer satisfaction, making sure every client is more than just satisfied. Brett wants our customers to be driven to refer their friends and peers because we offer the best services and technology available and because we exceeded their expectations.

Selecting an ERP Solution for Food & Beverage industry

Selecting an ERP Solution for the Food and Beverage Industry

Food and beverage businesses across Australia are embracing technical change to help grow revenues, reduce costs, provide better customer service and help manage cash flow. Throughout the COVID pandemic of 2020/ 2021 food and beverage businesses across Australia have experienced very different demands for products. Suppliers to restaurants and cafés have had a stop/start disruption to the supply chain and customer demand. Wholesale and distribution businesses in the food and beverage industry have experienced substantial growth which has put pressure on the supply chain, inventory, and sales.

Pressure is mounting on all businesses to streamline operations, accelerate growth and “do more with less” – more turnover, more orders, more production to meet increased demand. Added pressure has been created by new “channels to market” – for example, e-commerce.

Since 2005 the award-winning ERP team at Leverage Technologies has been working with fast-growing food and beverage customers across Australia to implement:

  • complete solutions for ERP – across the enterprise

    • Purchase and purchase planning

    • Inventory management

    • Product traceability

    • Sales and customer relationship management

    • Production planning

    • Freight management integration

    • Analytics for better decision-making

  • EDI – integration to the major Australian retailers

  • E-commerce integration

  • Planning solutions

  • Assistance with HACCP requirements

To help companies select, implement, and support the right technology for their businesses and, given Leverage Technologies vast experience implementing ERP for the food and beverage industry, we have created an e-book – Food and Beverage ERP Software – Achieving Great Results.

Selecting an ERP Solution Food & Beverage

Selecting an ERP Solution for the Food and Beverage Industry

The e-book covers topics like:

  • Key challenges facing the Australian food and beverage industry


  • EDI

  • Random Weight

  • Potency Management

  • Things to consider when selecting a Food and Beverage ERP Software

  • Leverage Technologies solutions for food and beverage – SAP Business One, Sage X3, MYOB Advanced.

If you want to know more about ERP for the food and beverage industry to help you run a better business, please download our e-book or contact the friendly Leverage Technologies ERP team – at 1300 045 046 or [email protected]

Enter your details here to download the Leverage Technologies “Selecting an ERP Solution for the Food and Beverage Industry” e-book

  • By clicking the submit button you consent to Leverage Technologies providing you further content and updates with regards to Leverage Technologies services.

Cost to Implement MYOB Advanced guide

What Does it Cost to Implement MYOB Advanced? Your Questions Answered.

MYOB Advanced is becoming a dominant force in the Australian cloud ERP software market. Companies of different sizes across multiple industries are implementing MYOB Advanced to take full advantage of the latest in cloud technology to help streamline operations, provide up-to-date information about all departments in the business, and allow your business to scale. The move from entry-level accounting solutions or outdated software solutions to a modern cloud-based ERP solution can be a big step. Companies should consider multiple aspects when upgrading from entry-level accounting solutions to ERP solutions like MYOB Advanced:

  • MYOB Advanced license costs (Software as a Service) / cloud
  • MYOB Advanced support costs
  • MYOB Advanced cost to implement
      • User training
      • System configuration
      • User acceptance testing
      • Data conversion
      • Project management etc.
  • Internal resource requirements and costs when implementing MYOB Advanced

The team at Leverage Technologies has implemented more than 300 ERP projects across multiple industries with different levels of complexity. This experience together with a structured implementation methodology has been used to consult to potential and existing MYOB Advanced customers on the “MYOB Advanced implementation cost ” and “how to ensure success when implementing MYOB Advanced”.

Please feel free to download our e-book “What does it cost to implement MYOB Advanced – your Questions Answered” – if you are considering an implementation of MYOB Advanced we think the e-book will help you make the right decisions with regard to resource, budget, and your choice of MYOB Advanced implementation partner.

Cost of Implementing MYOB Advanced Guide

A Guide to the Cost of Implementing MYOB Advanced

If you want additional information about choosing the right partner to implement MYOB Advanced or your want to discuss the price associated with MYOB Advanced projects, please feel free to call the MYOB Advanced team at Leverage Technologies on 1300 045 046 or, you can email the Leverage team at [email protected]

Enter your details here to download the Leverage Technologies “A Guide to the Cost of Implementing MYOB Advanced” e-book

  • By clicking the submit button you consent to Leverage Technologies providing you further content and updates with regards to Leverage Technologies services.

The Secrets of Successful ERP Software Selection

The Secrets of Successful ERP Software Selection

Since 2005, the ERP team at Leverage Technologies has helped companies successfully select, implement and support ERP solutions from MYOB (Advanced), SAP (Business One) and Sage (Intacct and X3). We talk to hundreds of prospective customers each year and we implement more than 40 new ERP projects every 12 months. The MYOB, SAP and Sage teams at Leverage Technologies are seasoned professionals at software selection, implementation and support. We decided to put our collective years of knowledge and experience into an e-book designed to help prospective customers select the right ERP solution for their business.

ERP software selection is a critical task – choose the right solution and ERP implementation partner and your new ERP solution will deliver an amazing ROI. Get the selection process wrong and your business will spend time, money and negative energy on a solution that might never deliver the planned benefits.

In the attached ERP Selection guide, the ERP team at Leverage Technologies provides practical advice on running a structured software selection process:


  • Preparation
  • Research
  • Creating a shortlist of potential providers
  • Planning for implementation

Click here to download the Leverage Technologies e-book – “The Secrets of Successful ERP Software Selection”.The Secrets of Successful ERP Software Selection

Why should you use our selection methodology? We specialise in helping SME’s (turnover of $5 million – $150 million) to find and implement a unified and perfectly tailored solution that meets their needs, now and into the future. Often the job of identifying a new solution and selecting an ERP reseller is left to the business owner or a senior leader from finance or IT. The challenge is that most business executives are only ever involved in one or two major software selection processes throughout their career. Leverage Technologies guide people through these types of choices every day. Our reputation for reliably delivering quality ERP solutions means that much of our work comes from referrals, and we’re highly awarded by the software vendors we partner with.

Our track record of success in technology consulting is built on:

  • An unwavering commitment to doing what’s best for our customers
  • High levels of business knowledge, technical expertise and integrity

We know there’s not much in-depth documentation available to assist businesses in selecting an ERP solution, so we decided to draw on our experience to share what we believe are best practices in software selection methodology.

Need more advice about ERP selection and implementation? Talk to the Leverage Technologies team on 1300 045 046. Since 2005 we’ve managed hundreds of successful implementation projects in collaboration with SMEs just like yours.

Complete Guide to Implementing a New ERP Solution

The Complete Guide to Implementing an ERP Solution

The team at Leverage Technologies has written an updated (2021) ERP implementation guide to help companies select and implement the right ERP solution for their business.

In this guide, the award-winning and experienced ERP implementation team at Leverage Technologies reveal the secrets to successful ERP implementations to ensure that you get business benefits from your ERP implementation and that your business achieves a quick return on investment from ERP selection, implementation and support.

This e-book (available below) covers topics including:

  • Three lessons that underpin ERP implementation success
  • Defining your business requirements
  • Selecting your new system and ERP implementation partner
  • Ensuring a smooth project kick-off
  • What’s involved in configuration testing
  • Cost control and issues management
  • Measuring impact and ROI

This ERP implementation guide has been written to provide practical ERP implementation advice for small to medium-sized Australian businesses. The team at Leverage Technologies has implemented SAP, Sage and MYOB solutions for more than 300 businesses across a range of industry sectors. The team has taken our learnings from the past 16 years and have put our ERP implementation secrets into this e-book. We hope this e-book provides value to your ERP implementation.

Selecting and implementing ERP solutions should follow a process and a structure (methodology). Remember that not all ERP implementation processes are the same. Multiple factors will influence your company’s choice of ERP solution and implementation partner:

  • Budget
  • Functional requirements
  • Industry requirements
  • Number of users and system complexity
  • Internal resource availability
  • Project timeline

There are multiple factors that influence successful project outcomes but, no matter the industry or the functional requirements there are several common elements to ERP project success:

  • Careful attention to the ERP selection process that follows a structured methodology
  • Clear project management guidelines
  • Internal resource allocation
  • Choosing the right ERP implementation partner
  • Allocating sufficient budget to your ERP project
  • Careful attention to project phases and deliverables
  • C Level project buy-in

Click here to download the Leverage Technologies e-book – “The Complete Guide to Implementing a New ERP solution”.

If you want to talk to the team at Leverage Technologies about your ERP implementation you can reach us on 1300 045 046.

Is Consultancy as a Service the Future of ERP Cloud Implementations

Is Consultancy as a Service the Future of ERP Cloud Implementations?

When implementing cloud-based ERP Solutions companies are attracted to the cloud by several advantages that cloud / Software as a Service ERP offers:

  • Predictable monthly investment in Software as a Service
  • Cloud access – anywhere, anytime from any device
  • World-class backup and security from global cloud providers of ERP solutions
  • Scalability
  • Quick ROI
  • Easy upgrades
  • New technology

The challenge for many small to medium-sized businesses is that ERP software needs to be implemented using a structured implementation methodology that involves:

  • Project management
  • User training
  • System configuration
  • User acceptance testing
  • Scope of works
  • Data conversion
  • Go live assistance

Depending on functional requirements, the number of users and other related factors an ERP implementation for a small to medium-sized business takes 3-6 months of elapsed time including 20-80 consultancy days. Let’s provide a little more detailed analysis:

Small finance-only implementation of a cloud ERP solution usually takes 15-20 consultancy days over 2-3 elapsed / project months.

Small to medium-sized wholesale/distribution implementations of a cloud ERP solution usually takes 30-50 consultancy days over 3-4 elapsed / project months.

Small to medium-sized implementations of cloud ERP solution for a manufacturing company usually takes 60-80 consultancy days over 4-6 elapsed / project months.

The challenge for many small to medium-sized businesses is cash flow and the upfront investment required for consultancy and implementation services. At an average rate of +- $1,500 per consultancy day most ERP resellers will require a budget of $30,000 to $160,000 for implementation of ERP for a small to medium-sized business. The cash flow benefits of cloud solutions (monthly Software as a Service payments) are put under pressure by the upfront cash flow requirements of the implementation services.

One of the fantastic developments in cloud ERP solutions is that the advances in cloud technology have put enormous processing power in the hands of small to medium-sized businesses. Enterprise software (integrated finance, distribution, manufacturing, services) and modern technology (AI, IOT, mobility and e-commerce) are now available to small and medium-sized businesses through modern technology from ERP providers like SAP, Sage and MYOB.

If the barrier to entry is the upfront implementation costs to implement ERP then, let us get rid of that barrier by introducing Consultancy as a Service or Implementation as a Service for ERP.

The concept behind the Leverage Technologies Consultancy / Implementation as a Service is simple – get great implementation services, user training and ERP consultancy for SAP Business One, Sage Intacct, Sage X3 and MYOB Advanced and pay for these project implementation services as a monthly fee.

As an example – let’s assume your cloud ERP implementation is going to require a services budget of $120,000 for system configuration, user training, project management and data conversion etc. The project might run for 5 months from project kick-off to go live. Under normal ERP implementation guidelines, the $120,000 to implement ERP would be spread over the 5-month implementation and you pay each week/month for services consumed – usually based on weekly timesheets. Under the new Consultancy as a Service offering, you pay a monthly fee over an agreed timeframe. If the agreed timeframe is 24 months, the business pays $5,000 per month over the life of the ERP Consultancy as a Service timeframe. Simple, easy payments that help companies improve cash flow – through a spread of predictable monthly payments.

Consultancy as a Service is another great offering from the team at Leverage Technologies – looking to put modern, cloud ERP solutions in the hands of small to medium-sized businesses so that they can improve cash flow, achieve better customer service and help staff focus on strategic decision making.

Contact the ERP team at Leverage Technologies on 1300 045 046 to find out how implementing a new ERP solution could benefit your business.

Why Sage Intacct is the Perfect Cloud Solution for IT and Technology Services Companies

Why Sage Intacct is the Perfect Cloud Solution for IT and Technology Services Companies

The nature of IT and technology services businesses is changing rapidly. Cloud computing has opened alternative revenue models based on recurring income, monthly Software as a Service and smaller, niche services projects.

IT and technology services companies usually offer a range of services and products including:

  • Software/cloud solutions
  • Annual maintenance and support
  • Implementation and associated project services
  • 3rd party cloud solutions
  • Traditional on-premises solutions

As the traditional business model for IT Services companies changes, there are multiple new opportunities and challenges. In an industry that is constantly changing, IT resellers and services businesses need to adapt to get ahead of the competition. New metrics have emerged:

  • Recurring income by client
  • Client acquisition cost
  • Customer churn
  • Annual recurring income
  • Net new recurring income

As the number of supported solutions, services options and revenue streams grow, the back-office accounting, billing and project reporting requirements for any services business tend to increase exponentially. The finance team must deal with increased complexity:

  • Contract billing
  • Timesheets
  • Project billing
  • Project profitability
  • Cloud invoicing – with different billing cycles
  • Usage-based billing
  • Upsell and Cross-sell billing
  • Multiple payment schedules – milestone, monthly etc.
  • Multiple billing types – do and charge, fixed price etc.

If your IT services business is operating multiple solutions for each area of the business (finance, projects, billing, cloud billing, timesheets etc.) you run the risk of creating islands of information, manual data input and errors in the consolidation of information across departments.

Sage Intacct is a financial management and accounting solution with functionality built for SaaS contract billing, project services management, subscription management, timesheets and contract revenue management across a strong multi-company and general ledger configuration.

The full range of functionality on offer allows IT Services companies to streamline back-office operations and get access to meaningful data for reporting and quick decision making – across the entire business. Some of the feedback we are receiving suggests that IT Services companies are typically looking to implement Sage Intacct in two phases:

Phase I – financials, divisional reporting, multi-company, consolidations, timesheets and project accounting/billing.

Phase II – contract billing, contract management, advanced allocations (revenue and expense) and team scheduling.

If your IT services business is looking to streamline operations, get access to better reporting and wants access to the latest cloud technologies to achieve real business benefits, contact the Sage Intacct team at Leverage Technologies on 1300 045 046.

What does it cost to implement cloud ERP solutions Questions to ask your Cloud ERP Provider.

What does it cost to implement cloud ERP solutions? Questions to ask your Cloud ERP Provider.

Cloud ERP solutions are giving small to medium-sized companies access to digital transformation, technology and information that was previously reserved for large businesses with big IT budgets. Cloud ERP solutions have provided several benefits for smaller businesses:

  • A “pay as you use” software license model (SaaS)
  • Easy scalability to increase user count, user access and infrastructure as the business grows
  • Access to world-class backup as required
  • Access to new functionality and third-party integration as required

Cloud ERP solutions have made it easier to access data, scale business requirements and provide users with access to the latest technology – but what does it cost to implement cloud ERP solutions?

There are three main components to ERP cloud solution costs:

  • Cloud software – user licences, cloud infrastructure that includes software, database, server, back-up etc.
  • Implementation/services – the services required to implement your ERP cloud solution:
    • User training,
    • System configuration,
    • User acceptance testing,
    • Project management,
    • Data conversion,
    • Reporting / Analytics,
  • Support – post-go-live support agreements based on a service level agreement

Cloud software licenses and infrastructure is usually available as a private cloud or public cloud solution. Pricing is often relatively straightforward – based on the number of users required and the license types (ERP vendors will often have different license types). Questions to ask your cloud ERP provider:

  • Are user licenses named or concurrent?
  • What access rights does each user have – what functionality can each user license access?
  • Are cloud licenses payable annually or monthly
  • Is the current per-user cloud pricing in place for a set period? If pricing is not locked in for a particular period, what maximum increases will apply?
  • Can user licenses be increased and or decreased at any time – what are the rules associated with cloud license changes?
  • When do the cloud license payments begin – at the date of order or, is there a “payment holiday” during your cloud ERP implementation period? Some cloud ERP providers will give you a 2-3 month cloud “payment holiday” during the implementation period when access to all users in the cloud is not yet required.

Implementation services – the consultancy process whereby a cloud ERP reseller provides services to implement the ERP solution. The services required to implement a cloud ERP solution will vary based on several factors:

  • Complexity – how complex is the functionality that must be implemented
  • Number of users
  • Data conversion requirements
  • Reporting/analytics expectations
  • Number of companies / ABN’s to be implemented
  • User acceptance testing and user training requirements
  • 3rd party solutions that must be integrated
  • Development requirements

There are different implementation methodologies to choose from – do and charge, fixed price (based on a scope of works), agile etc. Questions that you will want to ask your Cloud ERP provider:

  • How long will it take to implement the solution?
  • Is the implementation cost calculated as a fixed price or estimate?
  • What is the breakdown of the days to implement – how many days for each implementation task – user training, UAT, data conversion etc.?
  • Is the Cloud ERP reseller working to a fixed scope of work?
  • What are the resourcing requirements – for the ERP implementation partner and you, the customer?
  • How will scope changes be managed?
  • How will the implementation costs be invoiced – milestone, do and charge etc.?
  • What resources are required to implement – consider both reseller resources and customer resources.

ERP implementation budgets can be difficult to estimate. This is because of the high number of factors that influence the price to implement ERP solutions. The broader the scope of the project – number of companies, functional requirements and the greater the development/integration requirements, the more complex the estimate to implement ERP. One of the challenges with cloud ERP budgets is that even if the software can be paid for monthly on a SaaS basis, there might still be a large upfront payment required for implementation services. This still creates a barrier to entry for smaller businesses that do not have the cash flow to pay for the upfront services. This has led to the concept of Consultancy as a Service (CaaS). CaaS allows smaller businesses to implement cloud ERP solutions without the need for an upfront implementation services budget – which can often run into tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Cloud ERP software support is usually based on a monthly or annual support fee. At first glance, this appears easy to define. But not all ERP support agreements are created equal. Questions to ask your ERP provider:

  • What is included/excluded from the ERP support agreement?
  • What are the restrictions on the support agreement – number of calls per month/time per call/hours during which support is available?
  • What are the process and pricing structure for after-hours support?
  • Is there an annual increase in support fees?
  • How does support pricing change when additional users or modules are added to the ERP solution?
  • Are third-party, integrated solutions, covered by the standard support offering?
  • What is the process to log and manage support calls?
  • What is the support call escalation procedure?
  • Define the SLA (Service Level Agreement)

Cloud ERP solutions provide a fantastic advancement in technology – bringing scalable technology and functionality to the small to medium business market. Run a comprehensive selection process with your ERP reseller/provider to make sure that you have a clear understanding of cloud, support and implementation costs.

The team at Leverage Technologies specialises in ERP solution implementations to achieve desired business outcomes for our customers. Get in touch with the friendly team on 1300 045 046 to find out more about ERP cloud costs and ROI.